Joel F. Meier

Professor Emeritus
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Emeriti / Retired
B.S. in Physical Education and Recreation University of Nebraska 1962
M.S. in Education Administration and HPER University of Nebraska 1965
Re.D Indiana University 1973
- Professor & Chair, Department of Recreation and Park Administration: Indiana University
- Associate Dean and Professor, School of Forestry: University of Montana, Missoula
- Assistant Professor & Director of Intramural Sports, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- American Academy for Park & Recreation Administration—Member
- American Leisure Academy—Sr. Fellow
- Former Associate Dean and Professor Emeritus, School of Forestry, University of Montana
- President, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD), 1989-90
- President, American Association for Leisure and Recreation (AALR), 1978-79
- President, American Leisure Academy, 2002-03
- Recipient of AAHPERD's Luther Halsey Gulick Award; SPRE Distinguished Colleague Award; AALR J. B. Nash Scholar Award; American Leisure Academy Scholar Lecturer Award; Julian Smith Award of the Council on Outdoor Education
- Fulbright Scholar Appointment at the University of Otago, New Zealand
- Member, American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, and Senior Fellow, American Leisure Academy
- Member and former chair, North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance Professionals
Scholarly Interest
Scholarly interests areas: outdoor education, outdoor leadership, organized camping and adventure education, as well as history of conservation.
Meier, Joel F., et al. (1980): High Adventure Outdoor Pursuits: Organization and Leadership. Brighton Publishing Company, 232 pp., softbound.
Meier, Joel F. (1980, 1983): Backpacking. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 109 pp., softbound.
Mitchell, Viola A., and Joel F. Meier (1983): Camp Counseling: Leadership and Programming for the Organized Camp. W.B. Saunders, 6th edition, 483 pp., hardcover.
Meier, J. F., et al. (1987). High adventure outdoor pursuits: Organization and leadership (2nd ed.). Publishing Horizons.
Meier, J. F., & Mitchell, V. A. (1993). Camp counseling: Leadership and programming for the organized camp (7th ed.). Brown and Benchmark.
Meier, J. F. (1993). Backpacking (2nd ed.). Sagamore Publishing.
Meier, Joel F. (1988). "There's No Free Lunch," Journal of the Montana Association for Health. Physical Education. Recreation and Dance, pp. 6-8.
Meier, Joel F. (1989). "New Horizons--Opportunities in the 1990s," Journal of the Montana Association for Health. Physical Education. Recreation and Dance, pp. 6-8.
Meier, Joel F. (1989). "President-Elect's Message," Official Minutes. Alliance Assembly. AAHPERD National Convention, Boston, Massachusetts, Part II, pp. 33-36.
Meier, Joel F. (1989). "Nomination Speech for President-Elect of AAHPERD,11 Official Minutes. Alliance Assembly. AAHPERD National Convention, Kansas City, pp. 24-28.
Meier, Joel F. (1989). "Report of the President to the AAHPERD Board of Governors, 11 Official Minutes. Board of Governors. AAHPERD, September 1989, Reston, Virginia, pp. 3-10.
Meier, Joel F. During Meier's presidency of AAHPERD (1989-90), he was responsible for writing the "President's Message," a regular monthly column appearing in UPDATE, a publication of AAHPERD.
Meier, Joel F. (1990). "A Lot Can Happen In 12 Years," in Leisure Today issue titled, "Leisure in the Natural Environment--Past, Prologue and Promise"; Journal for Physical Education. Recreation and Dance; Vol. 61, No. 4, AAHPERD, pp. 36-38.
Meier, Joel F. (1990). "Report of the President to the AAHPERD Board of Governors, 11 Official Minutes, Board of Governors and Alliance Assembly. AAHPERD, New Orleans, Louisiana, Part I, pp. 2-10.
Meier, Joel F. (1990). "President's Annual Message to the 1990 Alliance Assembly," Official Minutes, Board of Governors and Alliance Assembly. AAHPERD, Spring 1990, New Orleans, Louisiana, Part II, pp. 13-22.
Meier, Joel F. (1991). "Past President's Message to the 1991 Alliance Assembly" Official Minutes. Board of Governors and Alliance Assembly. AAHPERD, San Francisco, California, Part I.
Meier, Joel F. (1992). "College Level Outdoor Leadership," AAHPERD National Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana. Conference cassette tape recording, Recorded Resources Corp., Millersville, Maryland, Program 922OR, Tape 93, 60 minutes.
Meier, Joel F. (1993). "Wilderness Values: A Personal Perspective of A Wandering Kayak Adventurer," in Proceedings of the Northwest and Southwest Districts and the State of Nevada Combined Conventions. Reno/Sparks. Nevada. AAHPERD, pp. 375-378.
Meier, Joel F. (1993). "Injury Countermeasures: Safety and Legal Liability Considerations for Adventure Education Programs," in Proceedings of the Northwest and Southwest Districts and the State of Nevada Combined Conventions, Reno/Sparks, Nevada. AAHPERD, pp. 364-367.
Meier, Joel F. (1993). "The Future of Jump Rope For Heart--The College Connection," AAHPERD National Convention, Washington D.C. Conference cassette tape recording, Recorded Resources Corp., Millersville, Maryland, Tape 121, 90 minutes.
Meier, Joel F. (1994). "College Level Classroom Learning Through Jump Rope For Heart," in JRFH Express, AAHPERD, 2 pp.
Meier, Joel F. (1996). "The C-O-R-E Program: A College-Level Outdoor Leadership Training Program," AAHPERD National Convention, Program 9615, Tape #298: Conference Casset1ies, Recorded Resources Corp., Atlanta, Georgia.
Meier, Joel F. (1996). "The C-O-R-E Program: An Experiential Based College-Level Outdoor Leadership Training Model," The Bradford Papers, Vol. VI, 82-88. Proceedings from the 1995 Bradford Institute on Americans Outdoors.
Meier, Joel F. (1996). "Guarding the Commons: Protecting the Environment and Federal Estate," J.B. Nash Scholar Lecture, American Association for Leisure and Recreation.
Meier, Joel F. (1997). "Protecting Our Public Estate," in Leisure Today. Journal for Physical Education. Recreation and Dance, AAHPERD.
Meier, Joel F. "The Accreditation Issue: Thoughts on College and University Accreditation," in Keeping You Current, American Park and Recreation Society, National Recreation and Park Association.
Meier, Joel F. (2000). "Measurement ofUse in the State Parks," (McLean, D.D. and Meier, J.P.) in Abstracts: The Recreation and Resource Capacity Conference, Ft. Collins, CO: USPS.
Meier, Joel F. "Apparent Shortage of New Assistant Professors," (Meier, J.P. and Poff, R.) in Conference Proceedings, Developing Leadership for Parks and Recreation in the 21st Century. LeRoy Springs and Co., Springmaid Beach, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Meier, Joel F. (2000). "Components of the Outdoor Trip; What Really Happens?-Phase II," in Proceedings of the 2000 Coalition for Education in the Outdoors January 14-16, Research Symposium, Coalition for Education in the Outdoors.